About the Business
Jason Court has been in the Construction Industry for 30 years, in that time he has amassed a wealth of knowledge and experience, not only in terms of technical expertise but also a masterful business acumen, which led him to launch Fortis Construction in 2010. Upon leaving school at 17, Jason went straight to work for his Father, dividing his time between Construction sites and Oaklands College in St Albans, where he attained an HND in Carpentry. After completing his education, Jason began to take a more active role in his father's business, proving himself at every step and eventually overseeing entire projects. Three years ago, his father retired and Jason launched Fortis Construction Limited. This decision has been paying dividends ever since, with Fortis seeing steady growth and a high rate of positive response from customers and architects all built on a solid foundation of great projects.
Location & Hours

51 Betjeman Way